Introduction of RINGBIO 6min betalactams & tetracyclines combo test kit

Apr 12, 2019
Introduction of RINGBIO 6min betalactams & tetracyclines combo test kit

Introduction of RINGBIO 6min betalactams & tetracyclines combo test kit

April 12, Beijing - RINGBIO is pleased to introduce our 6min BT combo rapid test kit, which is used to detect beta-lactams and tetracyclines residues in milk samples. The detection limit meets EU MRLs, China and USA MRLs.

According to the field testing and lab validation, this kit demonstrated great performance in terms of sensitivity, stability, applicability and speed of testing. Customers from serveral countries have placed ordered and transferred to promote this new kit in their business activities.

Ringbio released 6min BT combo rapid test kit for betalactams and tetracyclines

This kit can work now at room temperature and incubation at 40 degree celsius, very convenient for farmers and lab analysis. In winter time, it is recommended to use incubators to avoid low speed of milk flow and weak coloration. In summer time, when the room temperature is over 25degree celsius, it will be easy to operate at room temperature.

For cutsomers and potential partners who are interested in this kit, please always feel free to contact us. Your demand is our priority.