Ringbio's BTSQ Rapid Test Kit has been validated by ILVO

May 28, 2020
Ringbio's BTSQ Rapid Test Kit has been validated by ILVO

May 28, 2020, Beijing - Ringbio today announced that the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) has validated our QuaTest BTSQ Beta/Tetra/Sulfa/Quino 4in1 Rapid Test Kit. The test is designed to help determine if there exist ?-lactam antibiotics, tetracyclines, sulfonamides or quinolones antibiotics in the milk and if the concentration of those antibiotics residual has exceeded the MRL, and the results are available within 10 minutes. Please click above link for more details about this product.

BTSQ Certificate of ILVO

About ILVO

ILVO performs multidisciplinary, innovative and independent research aimed at economically, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and fisheries. Through this research, ILVO accumulates fundamental and applied knowledge which is vital for the improvement of products and production methods for quality control and the safety of end products, and for the amelioration of policy instruments as a foundation for sector development and agricultural policy for rural areas.