Ringbio TriTest S BTS 3in1 test kit is now validated by ILVO
July 6th, Beijing - Ringbio is pleased to announce that our TriTest S BTS 3in1 test kit is now validated by ILVO, Belgium. 
Ringbio camel milk adulteration test kit validated by ILVO
November 2nd, Beijing - With months of hard work and effort of the ILVO team, the Ringbio Camel Milk Adulteration Test Kit was fina
Ringbio QuaTest Amino V rapid test kit is validated by ILVO
According to a recent validation report released by ILVO, Belgium, Ringbio QuaTest Amino V rapid test kit is now
Ringbio BT Combo test kit (3+3, 40C) is approved by the Belgian Food agency FASFC
According to the latest update on FASFC website, Ringbio BT Combo test kit (3+3, 40C) is now approved by the Belgian
VITEST Vitamin B9 Folic acid Test kit is now ILVO validated
With the final validation report confirmed and issued, now Ringbio VITEST TM Vitamin B9 (folic acid) Test Kit is ILVO validate
Ringbio's BTSQ Rapid Test Kit has been validated by ILVO
Ringbio today announced that the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) has validated our QuaTest BTSQ Beta/Tetra/Sulfa/Quino 4in1 Rapid Test Kit.
Ringbio BT Combo 3+3min test kit validated in a Ring Test by ILVO
In this recent RING Test organized by ILVO, our BT Combo 6min Test is validated together with 6 other products, the performance was well studied and proved to be excellent and reliable, consistent with the kit instrctions