Ringbio BT Combo 3+3min test kit validated in a Ring Test by ILVO

Dec 05, 2019

As a professional manufacturer of rapid test kits for food safety and animal disease testing, Ringbio is pleased to announce that in a recent RING Test organized by ILVO, our BT Combo 6min Test is validated together with 6 other products, the performance was well studied and proved to be excellent and reliable, consistent with the kit instrctions.

Ringbio BT Combo 3+3 validated by ILVO

Ringbio BT Combo 6min test kit is a 3min+3min two step test kit to detect beta-lactams and tetracyclines in raw milk, the detection limit meets European MRLs. In this Ring Test Report, performance of Ringbio BT Combo 3+3 is compared with IDEXX SNAP, Charm MRL BL, BetaStar 4S, etc. Among all the test kits validated, Ringbio BT Combo 3+3 is easily operated and can produce a visible result in 6min, saving time and cost. According to this report, "Good results were obtained with BT Combo 3+3."

This report is done by ILVO chemical lab, by Professor Sigrid Ooghe & Wim Reybroeck. More details can be accessed by contacting Ringbio team.

About ILVO

Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) researches the entire food chain, from primary food production to food processing and also the social and economic aspects of agriculture and fisheries. ILVO is an independent governmental research institute, part of the Government of Flanders’ Agriculture and Fisheries Policy Area in Belgium. ILVO’s mission is to perform and coordinate policy-supportive scientific research and the associated public service with the goal of creating sustainable agriculture and fisheries from an economic, ecological and social perspective. ILVO research and its related services span the range from fundamental and applied crop and animal sciences to agricultural engineering, marine and fisheries research, food science, social science research and economics. Using research, ILVO strives to improve products and production methods, monitor and safeguard the quality and safety of end products, and to improve policy instruments with the aim of developing policy related to agriculture, rural areas, and fisheries. ILVO continually informs policymakers, the relevant industries, and the public about its research findings.