Ringbio camel milk adulteration test kit validated by ILVO

Nov 04, 2021
Ringbio camel milk adulteration test kit validated by ILVO

November 2nd, Beijing - With months of hard work and effort of the ILVO team, the Ringbio Camel Milk Adulteration Test Kit was finally validated by ILVO. The kit is a newly developed immunoassay-based dipstick to detect cow or goat milk compositions from camel milk in 8min. 

Validation results on the Ringbio camel milk adulteration test kit

According to the Technology & Food Science Unit at ILVO, Results of this validation show that the Camel Milk Adulteration Test Kit is an easy, reliable and highly specific test for screening of raw bovine or raw caprine milk in raw camel milk. Raw bovine milk in raw camel milk can be detected at least in 95% of the replicates from 0.2% on. Raw goats’ milk in raw camel milk can be detected at least in 95% of the replicates from 0.06% on.

The current kit could also be used to screen UHT, sterilized milk, reconstituted milk powder, condensed milk and thawed raw milk in camel milk at the same detection level of raw bovine milk. For adulteration with goats’ milk, the test could also be used but adulteration with 0.06% of UHT milk, pasteurized milk or thawed milk is not always detected.

The Technology & Food Science Unit at ILVO is the expert laboratory of AFNOR and AOAC International, it is also the European Union reference laboratory for food chemical analysis.